Our partners

Big Buddy

Being involved with big buddy for over 10 years I have seen first hand the incredible difference this program can make to a young mans life.

If you are considering it, my advice is don’t wait just take the plunge, it is the most rewarding thing I have done in my life.

All Big Buddy’s and Little Buddy’s get a free membership at La Familia as our way of saying thank you and provide a positive hub for all Buddys.

If you are curious about finding out more or want to apply to volunteer check out the link or have a chat to me - Dan


Virunga National Park

In 2014 I saw a film called Virunga.

It was a documentary about the National Park in the DRC Congo, the selfless rangers who protect the park and the wildlife and SOCO the British oil exploration company involved in oil exploration, corruption and war within the park.

This film led me to pledge donations from the gym I then owned, Strong Factory, and I eventually went to visit the gorillas in 2018.

Sitting with the Gorillas, the baby’s playing around me as the mothers fed nearby and looking into the eyes of a silver back just a couple of meters away was an absolute dream come true and something I will never forget.

This small area of the world is the only place where mountain Gorillas live and part of your membership goes towards helping protect these amazing creatures.

La Familia continues the tradition of donating to the park with the adoption of a Gorilla, check out our social media for updates.

For more information on Virunga or to make a donation go to their website below or check out their social media.


Partner up

We are always looking for good people to work with and love promoting and supporting local business, if you’d like to work with us, reach out.

Together We Rise.